Energy crossroads academia

Academic DVD used in Project Lead the Way

By buying this DVD ($79.95) it gives you and your organization the right to show the film publicly in a non-theatrical setting as many time as you want, as long as no admission is charged. These gatherings are normally found in locations such as schools, libraries, and civic institutions. This educational DVD has an extra hour of bonus materials, which includes a 25 minutes documentary produced in 1974 soon after the 1973 oil embargo, extended interviews, lesson plans for 6-12th grade, an Eco-facts sheet, a jpeg file from the poster of the film (11X17) and the 2 mini documentaries from the standard version (Cuba's Peak Oil and Steve Andrews "Green Home").
Go to the Store page to purchase the DVD.

Purchase order

Academic orders are usually shipped within 2-3 business days. We are ready to quickly fill out any New Vendor forms and submit our W-9 to your accounting office via Email. TAF Productions has been distributing films to schools for over 15 years now. Contact us if you need more information.
The price is $79.95 + $ 5.00 shipping & fulfillment (within the US)

Purchase Orders by Email:
Postal address
Tiroir A Films
566 S. McCaslin Blvd.
Louisville, Co 80027 USA
